2 czerwca 2020 Bez kategorii

C. Liberty Tax Service

Liberty Tax could be the 3rd significant commercial income tax planning string in the nation, with 3,900 places. 110 Liberty Tax ready 1.9 million returns this year and 2 million in 2011.111 The string is fabled for employing people to stand outside shops, decked out in Statue of Liberty costumes as a kind of ad during income tax period.

Liberty received $14.2 million in RAL and RAC charges this season or 17% of their income. 112 It obtained $16.5 million in RAL and RAC charges last year, once once once again constituting 17% of net income. 113

This year, Liberty offered about 783,000 products that are financial its customers, 114 of which 300,000 were RALs. 115 Hence, Liberty offered a monetary product to about 40per cent of their customers, making a RAL to about 16%. Last year, Liberty offered lending options to 902,000 clients – almost 50 % of its client base. 116 But, it only offered a RAL to 5.6per cent of its clients last year, or just around 112,000.117

Liberty additionally seems to be plans that are making the conclusion of bank RALs. (więcej…)

Marcin Andraka

Absolwent studiów ekonomicznych na kierunku Finanse i Rachunkowość. Z rynkami finansowymi związany od 2008r. (GPW). Od 2010 roku aktywny inwestor rynku walutowego i surowcowego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem rynku ropy naftowej typu Brent. Podstawą analiz i decyzji inwestycyjnych jest Teoria Fal Elliotta z zastosowaniem dodatkowych narzędzi jak geometria i kanały trendowe. Nie bez znaczenia są też czynniki fundamentalne, które w przypadku ropy naftowej są szczególnie istotne. Analizy i zagrania oparte o TFE w połączeniu z inną metodologią zamieszcza na blogu www.marcinandraka.blogspot.com