30 listopada 2021 Bez kategorii

Allow me to inform about the advantages and Cons of Intermarriage

Whenever two different people fall in love, neither variations in competition nor religion can possibly prevent them from tying the knot.

When it comes to many part, moms and dads of blended partners don’t accept inter-racial and inter-religious relationships, or have reached least hesitant about the concept in the beginning. Whenever Yolanda E.S. Miller, an Asian girl, introduced her Caucasian boyfriend Jim to her household, she stated, they were introduced“ heher father shook Jims hand and grunted while looking away when. At dinner, he ignored Jim totally, talking just in Chinese to my aunt (whom, incidentally, ended up being surprised to find out he might even speak Chinese)” (Miller 80). Millers daddy blatantly failed to approve of their child dating a white male. The actual fact had been that her daddy almost certainly had a concern with whites from the racism he experienced as a new Chinese guy growing up in the us. He had been afraid that his child would feel the racism that is same discrimination he’d experienced, and therefore failed to wish their child to possess relations with a Caucasian. Their behavior is understandable considering their previous encounters with whites, and also this is among the reasons moms and dads are wary about intermarriage.

Another example of when moms and dads are in opposition to intermarriage taken place when A arab guy and a Jewish girl announced their relationship with their moms and dads. (więcej…)

Marcin Andraka

Absolwent studiów ekonomicznych na kierunku Finanse i Rachunkowość. Z rynkami finansowymi związany od 2008r. (GPW). Od 2010 roku aktywny inwestor rynku walutowego i surowcowego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem rynku ropy naftowej typu Brent. Podstawą analiz i decyzji inwestycyjnych jest Teoria Fal Elliotta z zastosowaniem dodatkowych narzędzi jak geometria i kanały trendowe. Nie bez znaczenia są też czynniki fundamentalne, które w przypadku ropy naftowej są szczególnie istotne. Analizy i zagrania oparte o TFE w połączeniu z inną metodologią zamieszcza na blogu www.marcinandraka.blogspot.com